Enjoy a fully guided, coach bus day trip to Philly from NYC, one of the country’s most beloved and fifth most populous city in the United States!

Known as “The City of Brotherly Love”, after its founding fathers, the Quakers, Philadelphia is home to many historical & colonial sites that played an important role in the founding of the nation. In recent years, it’s undergone a cultural renaissance and is booming with museums, restaurants, art and top attractions.


This amazing trip includes a journey to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, home to America’s largest Amish community. The Amish are a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships with Swiss Anabaptist origins. The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress and reluctance to adopt many conveniences of modern technology including cars & computers! These ‘plain people’ as they call themselves live, without modern conveniences like electricity and preserve a life based a deep religious faith. Take a horse & buggy ride through the Amish farmland where horses still plow the fields. Visit an Amish homestead to see their lifestyle including a single room schoolhouse, where Amish children learn to read and write and speak a foreign language, English. 

This is an amazing day in the American heartland to see the unique lifestyle of a bygone era that continues this day. 

Come experience all this with an exciting and comfortable Philadelphia & Amish bus tour from New York City. Let our friendly and professional tour guides take care of the details – all you have to do is relax and enjoy the sights!

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List of Attractions
Departure and Return
Additional Note
Tour Date:
Adults (12+):
Child (3-11):